Thursday, February 26, 2009

Chup tum raho.. Chup hum rahe..

Words are the most beautiful things when said in the right way at the right time.. words are the most powerful if they come from the right person in the right tone.. Words mean a lot when they offer comfort to someone down and dejected .. and yet words are the most inadequate when it comes to expressing the most intricate feelings, especially that of love and sorrow.. I have increasingly noticed that people are the most quiet when they are in pain or they are with someone they really love and they just want to spend the time absorbing the presence of each other.. It does remind me of a song in Swades movie where the hero and the heroine are sitting inside the car with the song running in the background and they are not talking , not looking at each other (that would be too cliched eh?) not doing anything, but just reclining on the front seats of the car and ... thats it.. just feeling each others presence.. ain't that romantic? I think its amazing what silence between two people can convey..

Having said that.. I don't want to take the romance away from poetry and I definitely do believe that words play important role when communicating ones feelings and ones thoughts, its useless if one speaks too few words and then goes into some kind of a misunderstanding mode where all is lost to the lack of words..

But getting back to the silence.. there is a strange kind of understanding that develops when one stops speaking and just "feels".. I guess it has something to do with the development of some senses when others are shut down.. you are more sensitive to movements, to heart beat, to even the breeze whizzing through your hair.. It simply has an ethereal feel to it..

Although .. I doubt how long I would survive in the "silent movie" mode .. despite all its romanticism .. I have a trifle too much energy to stay quiet and unfigety for too long! But a stealing a couple of minutes of silence to truly experience the surroundings .. (whether it inculdes someone or not.. ) ain't a bad idea.. ain't a bad idea at all...!

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